Monday, October 3, 2011

Slanderous Slip-Up

            Have you ever said something, told of something someone said or did or didn't do, and accidentally used the wrong name?  You were thinking about one person as you spoke about another and accidentally slipped the first person’s name innocently enough in place where the seconds should have been.  You know what I'm talking about, Right?  Perhaps later on you realized what you had done.  If the subject was a sensitive one (and I sure hope it wasn't - we need to stop doing that - gossiping I mean), If the subject was a sensitive one you may have possibly caused a problem...

               "The words of a talebearer are as wounds,
                and they go down into the innermost parts of the belly."
                It doesn't matter whether the tale is true or not,
                some things don't need to be chewed on for too long or shared.

             Saturday morning after my friend Brian picked me up for work we went to a nearby ATM so I could get some cash to add to my lunch. I suggested that I could buy us some coffee at the nearby fast food 'restaurant'. I probably shouldn't have because that made my third cup but since he had a coupon for a free breakfast sandwich he agreed.  Usually once a week we'll gas up his vehicle, then get some delicious morsels at Georgio's to go with our coffee but this time we chose another coffee shop, well not really a coffee shop, we went to McDonald's.

              We rode to work sipping on our coffees.  He ate and drove, and drank and drove, and listened to the Christian radio station and drove, we talked some as he drove, and I think it was his turn to pray over the food so he also first prayed and drove; with his eyes opened of course.  The ride is short and the coffee was a large and it was hot so when we got to the Spring (got to work) I still had some of it left.  We are not allowed to bring food from the time-clock onto the production floor so before I washed my hands I gulped the last few sips of coffee.

              That's when it happened. I felt something somewhat solid pass through my lips.  My first thought was, 'donut chunks' (from dipping donuts) and my very next thought was 'I didn’t have a donut!' and I don't usually dip.

               As I spewed what was in my mouth back into the cup someone in the hand-washing-room, the gateway to the plant, said "gross!"  It was then that embarrassment caused me to blurt out, "That's what I was thinking! There was something in my drink! Dunkin Donut's coffee everyone!” as I threw the cup with its contents into the trash.

               I walked through the double doors out into the plant, through the single door into the filling room, squirting some hand sanitizer on my hands and as I walked I rubbed my hands together and thought.  It occurred to me that I had just slammed the good people of Dunkin Donut's for something that was entirely someone else's fault.

                I don't know who was in the wash room when I got embarrassed and vented but I think it will be okay.  After all "America Runs On Dunkin." J; But what about when we do this to another person and not a company?  We need to make it right.  When this is done intentionally to others all it does is make us look small.  That is not at all what John the Baptist meant by "He must increase, and I must decrease."

               We need to lift up others, put a blanket over the faults of others, or tell them of their fault just you and them alone. I have not always done this, but starting today, with God's help, I'm going to.

"He must increase, We must decrease!" He increases when we lift up others and help others up.  Sometimes though you may need a listening ear; seeking out wise counsel, even in an interpersonal conflict is not slander. A "what do I do?" question is not slanderous. Just make sure the person you go to has a healthy fear of God, a love for His work, and knowledge of His Word.  No doubt your pastor gives evidence of a reverential fear of God, and no doubt also he loves Gods Word and work, I'm willing to 'bet' (I said it this way because I'm not a betting man) I'm willing to 'bet' you can consider that a good place to start. "Jesus must increase, all WE must decrease!" I think your pastor would agree.

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