Thursday, September 29, 2011

That Good Part

Some days when I attempt to write I can’t.  I have nothing in the forefront of my mind to share.  Perhaps it’s on these days that I need to go drink from the fountains of living water again, and bask in the radiance of Jesus’ transcendent smile.  I need to choose that good part, that will not be taken away from me.

"But Martha was cumbered about much serving,
and came to him (Jesus),
and said, Lord,
dost thou not care
that my sister hath left me
to serve alone?

bid her therefore that she help me.

And Jesus answered and said unto her,
Martha, Martha,
thou art careful and troubled about many things:

But one thing is needful:
and Mary hath chosen that good part,
which shall not be taken away from her."

That good part. What is it?

"And she had a sister called Mary,
which also sat at Jesus' feet,
and heard his word."

(Luke 10:38-42)

The message we believers have to share is not our own as though it were all about us.  Perhaps it’s on days like these, that we need to be reminded that all God really wants is our adoration; for us to meditate on His promises, to rejoice in gratitude for His unspeakable gift of salvation bought by the death of the Only Begotten.

In reality, that’s all He ever wanted from His creation in the first place; our praise and adoration.  He showers us with blessings because He loves us. Isn’t it only right that He gets all of our attentiveness.  And as we look to our resurrected Lord. He then turns our gaze on others; to seek their good and salvation.

I’m going to go read my Bible;

I need something fresh from Heaven. 

“He must increase,
      WE must decrease!”

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Sorry, sorry, sorry, ........ sorry.

There are some parts of the English language that if they get used too frequently or haphazardly that they tend to lose their significance.  Two of those parts is the phrase, “I love you.” And the word, ‘sorry’.
When someone says ‘I love you’ haphazardly than the recipient is left wondering if what was meant is the charitable love of 1 Cor. 13 which is the love of Christ, or do they simply mean I really appreciate you a lot; I like you.  Or is it the kind of love the publicans had who were saying you’re one of us therefore ‘I love you’.  Usually it’s obvious when it is the charitable kind of love because their actions have already demonstrated it before hand.
Now, in my home, we are trying to get our children to stop saying ‘sorry’ upon every word of correction or conflict.  Frequently it’s repeated four or five times in succession apparently for emphasis.  We are now requiring them to reserve the “I’m sorry” phrase for when they have clearly disobeyed or done something hurtful or spiteful to one another.  They then are required to say “I’m sorry for ‘whatever they did’, it was wrong, please forgive me.”
This is new to them so when we speak to them and they say, “Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.” Pause “Sorry.” and we then remind them that they did it again, the first thing they say is “sorry.” J  When we give them simple instruction or mild correction we are trying to get them to simply acknowledge what we said, say “yes mom” or “yes dad” and then say something like “I will try.”; But not “Sorry.”
We want “I’m sorry” to be reserved for when there is sin involved; the sin of disobedience or the sin of mistreating others.  It’s no different with our God.  He demonstrated His love for us in that while we were sinners Christ died for us.  God said, “I have loved you with and everlasting love” in the book of Jeremiah. This is His love toward those who are the whosoever’s that chose to respond to His overtures toward them.  He doesn’t want to hear the haphazard “I’m sorry” of an unrepentant heart.  God wants to hear us say to Him and will accept the genuine “I’m sorry Jesus I sinned against You, I’m sorry You had to die for me, thank You for doing that for me, I know I didn’t deserve Your love but I’m so glad You love me. I love You Jesus. AMEN.”
In that is the beginning of a beautiful relationship with Him where He continually increases in significance in our lives and our own selfish endeavors decrease.
“He must increase, and WE must decrease!”

Monday, September 26, 2011

Out of the Mouths of Babes

            We had just gone through, well actually were going through a very difficult situation.  While some of us saw a “light at the end of the tunnel” still others saw no hope at all.  One morning on the Lord’s Day there was a spiritual breakthrough, many victories seemed to be claimed, the light of God's glory shone brightly into our hearts; there was joy and there were tears.

            As we left church that day, spanning the sky across the street was a beautifully full, vivid, double-rainbow that seemed to jump out at us.  Many people were commenting and pointing. 

It was a wonderfully uplifting sight. 

But not nearly as uplifting as what came out of Autumn’s mouth.  She was with us in the car.  (This is the Autumn mentioned in my “There’s abigANT in the toilet” post.) 

As we pulled out of the parking lot commenting about the rainbow but not inclined to believe in signs; we were speaking about its beauty and vividness.  That’s when Autumn spoke up and said rather matter-of-factly, “God is telling us that everything’s gonna be alright.”

"And God said unto Noah, This is the token of the covenant, which I have established between me and all flesh that is upon the earth." Genesis 9:17

"Out of the mouths of babes, Thou LORD hast perfected praise." (Matt. 21:16)
 Just as the believing Israelites praised Jesus for His wonderful works; And just as children so easily praise Him for His wonderful works in creation.  As it is written, “The heavens declare the glory of God; And the ‘skies’ shows His handiwork.”  So too we need to recognize His handiwork and praise Him for the wonderful confirmations of His love and promises toward us...

 “He must increase, and WE must decrease!”

God is telling us that everything’s gonna be alright.”

~ you can share this story using any of the links below if you wish ~

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Like Father, Like Son

            Yesterday my boy had his friend Joseph from church over to spend a day and a night at our home.  While they were doing some target shooting in the backyard with the bow and arrows Joseph overshot the target and the arrow was lost.  The boys looked everywhere for the arrow scanning with their eyes back and forth over the overgrown lawn.  They didn’t see it anywhere.
            That’s when my son remembered the happenings at the apple orchard explained in the Blog post entitled, “Does He Really Care? Really?”  He decided to pray and intended to repeat my simple prayer. “LORD, you know exactly where it is. Could You please help me find it.”  According to him he prayed, “LORD, you know exactly where it is. Could You please help me…” Huh? He stopped mid-sentence and as he looked down into the tall grass he noticed the arrow’s bright feathers just barely peeking through the blades at his feet.
            I for one believe it happened just as he said.  All you have to do is read the aforementioned post to understand why I believe it.  He was ecstatic as he shared his story and I was thrilled that he is learning to trust God for the simple things so early in life.
            I have no doubt that in his life. Jesus will be magnified, and he (my son) will be growing increasingly and powerfully humble.  “He must increase, and WE must decrease!”

Friday, September 23, 2011

My Dear Son

My Dear Son,

                        I have no greater wisdom to leave you than that which is written in this Holy Book.  Although you may never have had the chance to know me, know this…
Your father loves you and loves your mom and loves the LORD.  Study these pages to know the LORD and you shall know my heart for it has been my supreme desire to be like Him.  Know Him and you shall know Eternal Life, obey Him and you shall know peace and contentment; anticipate His coming and you shall know joy (I will meet you in the clouds – 1 Thess. 4:17); Follow Him and you will be a leader- leading others to saving intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Do this and your reward in heaven shall be great- you will shine as bright as the stars in heaven with the reflection of God’s glory.
                                                                                    See you there,
                                                                                    Love, Dad

I don’t remember what prompted me to write this note to my son in the front page of my Bible some twelve years ago.  He was our only child at the time.  I probably had some aches and pains associated with an eating disorder that I had when I was a teenager; actually I think it was a nervous disorder that affected my eating but let’s not get technical.  Thank God that the “peace of God that passes all understanding” delivered me from that anxious mess.
My father’s father died at the very young age of twenty-seven; my dad was just a toddling around himself when it happened.  My grandfather was clubbed on the head in a bar brawl that caused the clot that killed him.  That’s another story altogether but I think that hearing about his untimely and unnecessary death made such an impression on me that it turned me into a hypochondriac.  To this day I can’t have unexplainable aches and pains without thinking that perhaps my time has come.
            Now it’s not that I don’t trust in the goodness of God; I do.  But I’m a realist and I recognize the sovereignty of God also.  It is my understanding that He, as God, can do with us, His creation, as He sees fit.  If that includes transporting me to an existence in a realm where pain, and sorrow, and separation shall be no more, than it is His prerogative to do so.  It’s His alone.
            As I said, I don’t remember what prompted me to write the note.  I think that I thought I was dying.  I used to foolishly pray things like “Let me just finish this project Lord, then You can….” Or “Let this and this happen first Lord, then You can take me….”  As though He needed my permission.  How silly of me to pray thus when I could have earlier learned the joy of casting all my cares on Him and praying for others.
            Later after our 1st daughter was born I had to change the heading to address both of the kids.  Now, as I pulled my old worn Bible out of the dust (I have a new one now), as I pulled it out to copy what I wrote there to this Blog I realized that I now have to change it again to address all my dear children.  I enjoy each day that I have with them and don’t take a single one for granted.  I don’t take them for granted and I don’t take the days for granted.  I strive to be the type of dad who lives each day I have with them to the fullest.  Some days I do better at this than others, some days are woefully wasted but I strive for their sakes to do better.  As far as I know I am perfectly healthy and while I don’t really know how many days I have remaining, none of us do, I am thankful for today.
In all the things that I wrote to my children, I think I wanted to convey the very simple principle that “He must increase and WE must decrease.” By seeing to this, there is joy unspeakable and full of glory and there is peace that passes all understanding.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Enough to Drive Anyone Nuts!

While sitting in the break room at work one Thursday for my morning break I heard the voice of Priscilla our receptionist announce, “At eight o’clock there will be a test of the fire alarm system.  There is no need to evacuate the building.  Repeat.  At eight o’clock there will be a test of the fire alarm system.  It is only a test.”  Then I remembered that Dan my supervisor made a similar announcement not long before that; I had forgotten because the announcement was not calling for a response it was only a notice.
                When eight o’clock rolled around, almost to the second, the alarm system started its shrill deep piercing repetitive squawking.  But by then I had forgotten again that we had been put on notice and when the 1st AAANTT!!! sounded it rattled me out of the book I was into and back out into the break room.  When I say rattled that’s kind of an understatement because what I mean by rattled is that it was so loud that I nearly jumped out of my chair.
AAANTT!!! -I tried to continue reading but it was no use, I couldn’t concentrate. 
AAANTT!!!-I placed my earplugs snug into the appropriate orifice and finished what was left of my lunch.
AAANTT!!!- It was nearly impossible to think.   AAANTT!!!- Each shrill cry penetrated deeply. It was enough to drive anyone nuts!
AAANTT!!!- I finished my break and proceeded out onto the work-floor to resume cleaning my machines.  We were down for preventative maintenance that day, as is usually the case for me on Thursdays.   AAANTT!!!- As I worked I fought the maddening repetitive intrusion and began to think through it.  AAANTT!!!- I told myself, sooner or later the noise will stop but by then I would be so used to it I probably wouldn’t even notice.  AAANTT!!!- I cleaned, and thought, and prayed, and worked, and thought.  I may even have sung a hymn or two as I worked.  I sometimes do that.  I like to sing when I’m wearing earplugs, I like to sing loud, it sounds good in your head.  I cleaned, and thought, and prayed, and worked, and thought.
                Then over the PA system I heard someone summonsed to the front office.  That’s when it occurred to me that the test had ended and, as I suspected would be the case, I didn’t even notice.  As I continued to work it occurred to me that our consciences are much like that fire alarm system.  The conscience was designed by God to act much the same way.  It’s LOUD.  It’s intrusive.  It doesn’t quit.  It’s effective.  At least it is effective from the onset as long as we don’t ignore it.
                If you are a believer in Jesus, the crucified and resurrected Savior, the One and Only Son of God, then it is likely that your conscience works overtime.  The Holy Spirit works tirelessly in our minds to keep us believers walking a straight and narrow line.  To help us to be able to live like Christ as we interact with others; to love like Christ.
                But often we don’t do either.  We don’t live like Him and we don’t love like Him.  It’s then that the Spirit reminds us; sometimes He screams in our consciences if the thing we are doing can have serious detrimental ramifications for us or for others.  Many times we ignore the conviction even though we know it’s from Him.  If we continue to do our thing we slowly get used to His protest and it’s as though we don’t hear Him anymore.  The scriptures say that some peoples consciences can even be seared, scorched as though with a hot iron.
                God will never leave His children to their own devices for long.  If we no longer have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying He will intervene into our lives in some other more tangible ways.  Ways that get our attention and cause us to listen.  Ways that cause turmoil in our minds, our relationships, and our circumstances. This intervention by God the scripture says is actually evidence that we truly belong to Him.  He doesn't chasten the devils kids.
                We can all save ourselves a little unnecessary pain by going to the front office the first time we are summonsed by the Boss.  Going to that place in your mind and will where obedience comes easy.  Go there. Sit. Listen. Then do whatever His Spirit bids you to do.
                It’s important that we recognize who the Boss of our lives is, "He must increase and WE must decrease."  When the Spirit speaks to our conscience it is not a test, our God Is A Consuming Fire and He will consume away the dross in us so that we will come forth as pure gold.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Does He Really Care? Really?

Do you think the little things that concern children matter to God?  I mean things like their favorite toy, and their favorite blanket, and their favorite pair of sunglasses.  I am convinced that they do matter a great deal to Him.  They matter to Him because they matter to them.  Spurgeon said in a commentary of Psalm 139 that God cares about “all the littles in our little worlds.”
Just this past Friday afternoon while my son-shine, my wife, was out of town, I took the kids and we joined a friend and his kids on their traditional apple picking adventure up at Wallingford’s Orchards.  They made it a tradition to go with dad picking while their mom was away.  It was a cool and sunny afternoon and my nine year old sweetheart (my daughter) wore her favorite sunglasses out into the orchard as we picked.  At one point she decided that she didn’t want to wear them anymore, and she didn’t want to carry them anymore either.  “Dad can you carry my sunglasses?” She requested. “Sure.” Was my simple reply as I reached out my hand, took the wide lens pink glasses and slid one of its arms into my pocket so they kind of just dangled there.
We picked.  We picked high and we picked low.  We picked mostly Mac’s, red ones and semi-red ones; we tried to avoid the green ones.  We picked and picked and it went fast.  At one point I was lifting my nine year old ton-of-bricks onto my shoulders so she could get the high ones.  The bag was a bulging 17 pounds when all was said and done.
After we went into the store and paid for the bag we stopped by the van I borrowed from my parents.  The wife had the Lincoln and was Navigating somewhere up near Camden.  So after dropping the bag off at the van we walked to the back of the store where there were picnic tables and things for the kids to do.  We, my friend and I, walked while watching the kids and talked and for a while also sat at the tables and talked.  It was a good cool afternoon for a visit.
When it was time to leave and return the van we moseyed back to the vehicles and went our separate directions.  Only I didn’t get very far before I heard, “Dad, do you still have my sunglasses?”  I forgot they were clipped to my pants the whole time we covered the grounds of Wallingford’s.  When I looked down, yup, you guessed it.  They were gone.  I apologetically said, “No Sweetheart I don’t, they’re gone. They must have fallen. We can get you another pair.”
She was heartbroken.   “Dad, can we go back? They were my favorite!”
So you know what I did? I turned the van around and we went back.  All the while I was thinking it was impossible.  Someone would have found them; kept them.  I’m never going to find them.
When I went back I pulled over to the side of the orchard, left the kids in the car with the car running because it was starting to get cool, and ran down towards where we were picking.  I began scouring the tall grass with my eyes, scanning back and forth, back and forth.; taking a few steps then back and forth again, back and forth with my eyes.  Then I went to the next tree for the same routine.  Nothing.  And nothing again.
I was getting a little discouraged and was about to give up.  As a last ditch attempt I prayed.  Why do we often wait until the “last thing” to pray?  I intended to say, “Lord, you know exactly where they are.  Could you please help me find them?”  What I actually prayed was, “Lord, you know exactly where they are.  Could you please help me….”  And I couldn’t believe my eyes.  There in front of me, just as plain as day were my little girls big pink wide lens glasses!!!  I ended with “Thank You LORD!” as I picked them up and ran back to the van.
This became the story at the dinner table as we joined our apple picking friends for supper that evening.  I am sure that in their eyes God was magnified.  I am sure because I was told later that they conveyed the tale to their mom over the phone.
“He (The Lord Jesus) must increase, and WE must decrease.” But even though this is true He is very concerned with “all the littles in our little worlds.”

Saturday, September 17, 2011


Early on as a young adult Christian I found myself in a very awkward situation.  A situation in which I had to definitely ask myself, “What would Jesus do?” and yet, I now realize, twenty years later, that Jesus would not have done anything in that exact moment.  I had created the problem, the dilemma, the awkwardness; or at least I had intensified an already awkward situation.  I had done it acting rashly and not following some, yet unknown to me, biblical injunctions.  No doubt the ramifications of my actions have had a profound impact on those involved; but perhaps not the impact I wanted to have.
While I was trying to find myself; trying to carve out my niche in the world. I was trying to see if maybe God would want me to follow in my older brother’s footsteps, footsteps that seemed to be following in our fathers.  I was working as a pipe-fitter apprentice, working with a man named Phil, learning the secrets of bending tubing to match blueprint specs so we could put one giant paper machine puzzle together in Warren, Maine.  My father and my brother were putting larger parts of the puzzle together, huge pieces of pipe that needed to be welded together.  They were working on the same machine, just in another part of the huge ark-like building housing the contraption.  And Doug, who was my step-brother growing up, may as well say he was my brother too, was working on the same machine in yet another field of study.  I can’t really remember if it was electrical, carpentry, plumbing, or what he was studying but you get the idea.  We were all together in one huge building in Warren, Maine building one colossal paper making device.
Warren, if I remember correctly, and I’m not going to “Google” it because it really is not an important fact of the story; if I remember correctly it is about an hour plus a few minutes’ drive north of L\A (Lewiston-Auburn) here in Maine.  To save on gas, and to allow for some more shut-eye during the drive, we would car pool each taking turns daily to drive.  When it was your turn to drive you would use your own vehicle and gas while the others sipped coffee, napped, or whatever.  Most days this was no problem because when it was someone else’s vehicle I was just along for the ride and it didn’t really matter to me who did what.  But when it was my turf it made a great deal of difference to me.  Perhaps it shouldn’t have but then it made a great deal of difference.  On the way home we would make the customary stop at a convenience store; so the guys could get “smokes”, a beer, a snack, or whatever the long days work had them hankerin’ for.
 I usually stayed in the car.  I didn’t smoke anymore. I didn’t drink anymore. And besides I was a minor and shouldn’t anyway. And rarely was I hungry when I got out of work.  All I wanted to do was to get home and get cleaned up.  To get some of the filth of that construction site cleaned off of me.  I didn’t mind waiting.  I didn’t even mind putting up with my families’ habits on the way home; after all it wasn’t long ago before that I shared in all the same habits myself but now I was different.  I had been changed from the inside out by the King of Kings, The Lord Jesus.  He was changing me into a newer, cleaner, and healthier person.  Though a new person there were some things I hadn’t learned.  Like tact, patience, tolerance, and listening to His voice guide in difficult situations. 
I didn’t mind waiting but I didn’t want to stop when it was my turn to drive the bus.  I didn’t want to stop because even though most days  I didn’t mind putting up with my families’ habits, when it was my turn to drive, when it was my turf, it made a great deal of difference to me what went on in the boundaries of my life, my property, my car.
On a certain day, probably a Monday, probably after getting fired up on Sunday to take a stand for Jesus, it was my turn to drive.  The way to work was usually uneventful because most of the guys slept through the drive.  The way home was a different story and this particular day for some reason I was determined not to be pressed into a mold of other peoples making.
We stopped at the convenience store at someone’s request; insistence probably, I don’t remember that.  I just remember we stopped.  After everyone climbed into the car again we set on our way.  I was playing some “Oak Ridge Boys” (I think) on the cassette player.  It was a country-western style gospel music that I thought they might tolerate since they all liked, or “didn’t mind”, country. And we drove.
After a short distance someone, I think it was my father, cracked a beer can open and opened up a flood of turmoil in my heart and mind. ‘I am a minor, doesn’t he care I could get in trouble with the law!’ I thought, and ‘this is my car, I don’t want alcohol in my car anymore! You think he would realize that!’ I mused and fumed inside quietly.
After another short distance, my brother, the step-brother, asked if he could smoke in the car.  I replied with, “It’s a fairly new car and since I quit smoking I don’t want the smell of smoke on her.”  Which would have been sufficient except that my dad spoke up and said, “Just blow it out the window, it’ll be okay.”  I wish I could just blow my stream of thought out the window as easily.  I mused and fumed some more. Quietly. On the inside.
Then yet another short distance, my other brother, the other son of my mother, asked if they could listen to the radio instead of what I was playing.  I denied the request; which would have been fine except that my father chimed in again.  I conceded and changed to a country station under the stipulation that if it played anything I considered offensive that the cassette would go back in or that we would listen to silence.  It didn’t take long.  If you know country, you know what I mean. (No offence Trace Atkins; keep up the good work brother.) Most country is not very edifying, kind of blues like with a twang.  I don’t remember what came on the radio but it was something about somebody cheating on their spouse and enjoying it.  I didn’t miss a beat, I shut it off or changed it, I don’t remember which, it was twenty years ago.  I do remember what happened next like it was yesterday though.
My father happened.  He’s a believer today and still struggles with some issues but back then he was clearly my adversary.  After some verbal skirmishing with my brothers, my dad steps in and says “Look Carl let us listen to the radio or you can let us all out! We’ll walk home!” Now my dad of all people should have known that we Dills rise to a challenge.  Normally docile and quiet but we always rise to the occasion when put on the spot.  My mind reeled with what to do, what to say, how to handle it in the most “Christian-like” manner.
I said, “I’m not going to listen to that stuff on my radio.” And “I’ll let you out to walk if that’s what you want, (I’m pretty sure what they wanted was for me to stand down) but so we're clear…” I had to make sure they didn’t hang me and my faith with this (which they probably did anyway but that’s okay.) “so we’re clear…  if you walk… you chose to get out and walk.  Don’t go around saying I threw you out of my car and made you walk home.”  They agreed.  I think he thought if they pushed the envelope that I would stand down.
So here we were.  Half way between toll gates on the interstate highway, I had just opened the trunk to let them get their lunch containers, and now I sat staring at them incredulously out my windshield as they walked slowly ahead of and away from my stopped car.  To make it more interesting the Lord had provided a little rain adding to the unfolding drama.  I prayed out loud, “LORD, Please help me to know what to do!!! I don’t know what to do!”
Now as I think back, there are many principles I could have applied to prevent this very awkward situation in the first place.  A situation that I am sure Jesus never would have found Himself in, but I’m not Jesus (In case any of you who know me think that I think I am… I’m not the Boss.). I could have made sure that I was not unequally yoked together in this agreement to car pool.  I could have simply permitted myself to be defrauded, made it clear that I didn’t like it, and made different arrangements for the future.  I could have continued driving and tried to talk them down from their high-horses that were standing nearly as high as mine was.  I could have, I could have, I could have, but I didn’t.  Here I was, staring out my windshield wondering, praying, God what do I do now.
Do I drive out and past them and home-ward?  Maybe even honk lightly as I drove past.  Would it be wrong to smile and wave as I went by them?  Do I stand down? Say, “Hey, I was just kidding, my personal convictions don’t mean that much to me, its okay, come back.”  What to do? What to say?  Then an answer came (Thank you Holy Spirit!), it occurred to me what Jesus would do, in fact, it occurred to me what Jesus did several thousand years ago.
I climbed out of the car, got their attention, since they were walking away and their backs were towards me.  When they turned around, I threw my keys at my father (I was still a little flustered; Jesus would have handed him the keys.), I threw the keys at them and said, “You take the car, I’ll walk.”  You see…  Jesus, who had every right to go-it-home alone didn’t.  He walked that long road to Calvary and laid down His life for us.  He Who knew no sin, became sin for us, so that we could become the righteousness of God in Him.  He suffered, and bled, and died, and later revived (came back to life.), so that we could someday journey with Him to a home He is preparing for us in glory.  God always has a way; He always has a plan.
As it turned out, there had been a prison break that day and the state police were out in force looking for the escape artists.  I hadn’t walked very many steps when something caught my attention.  I don’t remember if it was a blurb of the siren or what, but something from behind my car called me back.  By this time my family was all safely buckled into their seats and I’m pretty sure they were fixin’ to drive away.
I stood there in the rain talking to the Trooper, explaining the situation as he patiently listened.  I wonder now what he must have been thinking about all of this.  I may never know.  After I explained he walked over to the car and questioned my passengers and verified that they were who they said they were.  Then he leaned into the window and said something like, “This is a state highway, pedestrians are not permitted, if you have a problem keep quiet about it, and handle it like men when you get home.”  I smiled, got back into the car, and we drove away.
You would think that would have settled it.  Would have demonstrated amply Who the Boss of things was but before long someone murmured about the silence again.  I repeated “if you have a problem keep quiet about it, handle it like men…” Then it was settled.  At least it seemed so.  I couldn’t say what anyone was thinking but the silence was golden.
I love my family.  I want God’s best for them.  It has taken me twenty years to open lines of communication with some of them; lines that are still a little scratchy today but probably only because we look at the worlds through different sets of glasses.  I can only pray that what I did that day, what I didn’t do, and how God turned it around will somehow all work together for their good.  As I said, my father is a believer in the incarnate, crucified, resurrected, Son of God today.  And although he still struggles with several things I do see growth and change in him.  I know that God takes our mistakes and our selfless actions too, and paints a beautiful picture, a portrait of Himself in us.  The more people see the likeness of God’s Son in us the more He increases in the eyes of others and the more we decrease in comparison.
“He must increase, and WE must decrease!”

Monday, September 12, 2011

It Is a Wicked Mess!

This past Sunday afternoon, yesterday, as I waited to go to church to pray with a few of our men I was holding our feverish baby girl; she was not content with anything else.  My wife was giving her some cold medicine to help with her symptoms and I said… “Just don’t drip it on my shirt.” She didn’t. No sooner than when the medicine slid down her throat did she with force spew up all the contents of the formula bottle she had just had; my dress shirt and my pants were baptized in vomit.  Instantly, my wife and I both laughed. (You have to laugh at yourself and some circumstances… it’s healthy.) Thankfully my loving wife, after changing the baby into dry clothes, set out to iron me another pair of “church clothes” as I sat there in the wet holding the baby; who wouldn’t be content with anything else.  I didn’t mind, that’s what fathers do.
Jesus said to His disciples, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”  Did you catch the “being evil” part? I bolded it and underlined it so you would…..
Hold that thought; I’ve got to go;

the baby is awake and fussing. (Often I tend to her early on my off days so that her mother, who rarely gets a break, can sleep in.) I will be back to edit and finish this later.

She is content to play in her corral for the moment.

 Did you hold that thought… did you consider the “If ye then, being evil,” part of Jesus’ statement?  How often as fathers do we get bothered by the “distractions” or circumstances that our children cause?  Just this morning before coming to the computer, after feeding Big Baby (That’s what I call her… She is in the 90th percentile for her age… She is a big baby.), after feeding her I placed her in her play-pen to let her rest and she quietly fell asleep.  I used the time to pick up a book and edify my mind and soul….
Hold that thought; I’ve got to go;

wife is up, Big Baby is fussing again… I’m so sorry friend, Priorities call…

Breakfast and pleasant talk with my Sunshine (That’s My Wife) and Big Baby has eaten. 

As I was saying we cannot be bothered by and feel that the things we as fathers and husband must do are distractions.  Our first priority should be our family and since “Charity suffereth long, [and] is kind;” and charity “seeketh not her own,” it is not charitable towards them if we are bothered by them.  Frankly, if we feel the things we as fathers and husbands do, are “must do’s” than that is not charitable either.  If we love them we will want to do those things, no matter what we have to drop to do it.  I love to write and I love to read but I love my family more, indescribably more.
Now, while the baby slept in her play-pen this morning I read. I read a very instructive and helpful book written by a pastor and I am sure it’s stuff God wants me familiar with.  While I read, and while I was enjoying reading, Big Baby started to fuss. 

Honestly, I was a little bit bothered and I was hoping she would go back to sleep.  I walked to her “cage” and gave her a pacifier and rubbed her head a bit to try to sooth her back to sleep.  It worked!!!

Slowly I walked backward and then, “whaaaaa!” She cried.  I was slightly annoyed… then almost in the same instant I was equally grieved in my Spirit and convicted. 

I began to think how lovingly attentive God is to our cries and how open He is to hearing our concerns. I began to quietly confess my wickedness (Yes, wickedness) and prayed Lord whatever she wants or needs I will provide. As I prayed, leaning over the play-pen, she fell back into a deep sleep.  But my desire to read was not as nearly as strong as my desire to be right with my Heavenly Father and to love my family properly.
Society today is full of people who don’t know how to love properly because they don’t know the Lord of love.  Actually, It is a Wicked Mess! We often forget how to love properly because of selfishness and self-interests. It is wickedness! Jesus said to His disciples, “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?”  We need His help to love properly, if you belong to Him, if He is your Father, ask Him for help loving the way He loves.  Don’t you know He will do it!!!  He will give good things to His children when they ask Him to.
Hold that thought; I’ve got to go;…

Back again,…

One last thought. If we are “hot” towards our own things, or even other seemingly good things like church, the Bible, and things of God and are “cold” towards our families it is wickedness.  God says, if we are this way, we are lukewarm.  In Revelation He said to the church of Laodicea “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.”  He finds lukewarmness in our churches and in our homes very distasteful!  We need His help to love properly, if you belong to Him, if He is your Father, and you still have trouble loving properly, ask Him for help loving the way He loves; selflessly, completely, and unbothered.  Don’t you know He will do it!!!  He will give good things to His children when they ask Him to…. 

In so doing “He will increase… and We will decrease!”

Friday, September 2, 2011

~ Romans 8:28 ~

On August 28th hurricane Irene swept through the country and on up towards Maine; never actually maintaining her hurricane status into and through our state.  What her winds amounted to here was for most just several days of inconvenience.  We simply lit the house with candles and flashlights but needed to depend on friends for showers and cooking meals.  (We flushed the commode with pool water.)

Praise the Lord we didn’t need any heat. (I will definitely be looking for a deal on a generator before winter.) With a baby in the house I don't want to be without heat.

Some close friends of ours were en route home to Maine from further south and were getting blocked in and detoured from every direction.  They didn’t seem to be in any immediate danger so in a text I said that I would pray and "jokingly" reminded them that the date was 8/28 as in Romans 8:28 and that even this "will work together for their good." 

So often we tritely quote Romans 8:28 which says “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” And we think that it will comfort the troubled and hurting.  Often that alone doesn’t comfort anyone unless it’s considered in the context that it’s written.

Romans 8 also says the Spirit also helps our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.” (verse 26) Often we do not know what to pray for when we ourselves are going through a dark trial and when others are heavy burdened as well.  But thank God that He makes intercession for us!  Now that’s comforting!

Also God does not want His children to be in bondage.  Not in bondage to fear, not in bondage to doubts, not in bondage to anything.   Rom 8:14-16 says “For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God. For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.  The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:”

God's Spirit witnesses to us that we belong to Him and (again) He prays with us for us.  We need not be afraid but simply cry out to Him.

In addition we have the further promise that nothing can sever this relationship we have as born-again, adopted children of God.  Paul said Rom 8:38-39 “For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, (simply put, "nothing")shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

  Also, He said that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Rom 8:18)  So our unbearable pain is nothing compared with the glory that is "Christ in you":

1st    Placing us into a familial relationship
with God as adopted children.

2nd  Making Intercession with us for us.
(With groanings that cant be uttered.)

3rd   Witnessing with our spirit that
we do in fact belong to God.

4th   Assuring us that nothing will ever,
Ever, ever, ever
seperate us from our Heavenly Father.

5th Preserving us as blameless to
appear in His presence in glory,

that His glory will be revealed in
us at His appearing.

                Are you born-again? Have you been adopted into the family of God through faith in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the only remission for your sin?  Have you trusted in Christ alone?  Then you can rest assured that all things will work together for your good even when we do not understand the reasons why we suffer we can know that our suffering does not go unnoticed by Him.

                He has a purpose for what He allows… (I feel unworthy to say so because I have dear friends who have suffered and are suffering way more than I ever yet have.  But, nevertheless, it is true.) According to Rom 8:29 one of His primary purposes is that we be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.  He accomplishes this purpose through our pain; through the breaking of the self-life so that the life of Christ can be manifest in us.

                As I already stated, He said that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. (Rom 8:18)  So our unbearable pain is nothing compared with the glory that is "Christ in you".

                But it’s important that you maintain your love for the Lord, the promise is to them that love God.  Paul explains (Rom 8:5-8) “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God.”

Even in our most difficult times…

“He must increase, and WE must decrease!”

Especially in those times that are most difficult.

“for when I am weak , then am I strong.”

(2 Cor 12:10)

                Hurricane Irene ruined homes, destroyed lives and took lives… none of this is easy, NOT AT ALL EASY!… but we have the comfort and hope of the scriptures to cling to and we have the Spirit of God in our hearts teaching us the scriptures and crying out Abba, Father even when we don’t know what to say and how to pray.