Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Enough to Drive Anyone Nuts!

While sitting in the break room at work one Thursday for my morning break I heard the voice of Priscilla our receptionist announce, “At eight o’clock there will be a test of the fire alarm system.  There is no need to evacuate the building.  Repeat.  At eight o’clock there will be a test of the fire alarm system.  It is only a test.”  Then I remembered that Dan my supervisor made a similar announcement not long before that; I had forgotten because the announcement was not calling for a response it was only a notice.
                When eight o’clock rolled around, almost to the second, the alarm system started its shrill deep piercing repetitive squawking.  But by then I had forgotten again that we had been put on notice and when the 1st AAANTT!!! sounded it rattled me out of the book I was into and back out into the break room.  When I say rattled that’s kind of an understatement because what I mean by rattled is that it was so loud that I nearly jumped out of my chair.
AAANTT!!! -I tried to continue reading but it was no use, I couldn’t concentrate. 
AAANTT!!!-I placed my earplugs snug into the appropriate orifice and finished what was left of my lunch.
AAANTT!!!- It was nearly impossible to think.   AAANTT!!!- Each shrill cry penetrated deeply. It was enough to drive anyone nuts!
AAANTT!!!- I finished my break and proceeded out onto the work-floor to resume cleaning my machines.  We were down for preventative maintenance that day, as is usually the case for me on Thursdays.   AAANTT!!!- As I worked I fought the maddening repetitive intrusion and began to think through it.  AAANTT!!!- I told myself, sooner or later the noise will stop but by then I would be so used to it I probably wouldn’t even notice.  AAANTT!!!- I cleaned, and thought, and prayed, and worked, and thought.  I may even have sung a hymn or two as I worked.  I sometimes do that.  I like to sing when I’m wearing earplugs, I like to sing loud, it sounds good in your head.  I cleaned, and thought, and prayed, and worked, and thought.
                Then over the PA system I heard someone summonsed to the front office.  That’s when it occurred to me that the test had ended and, as I suspected would be the case, I didn’t even notice.  As I continued to work it occurred to me that our consciences are much like that fire alarm system.  The conscience was designed by God to act much the same way.  It’s LOUD.  It’s intrusive.  It doesn’t quit.  It’s effective.  At least it is effective from the onset as long as we don’t ignore it.
                If you are a believer in Jesus, the crucified and resurrected Savior, the One and Only Son of God, then it is likely that your conscience works overtime.  The Holy Spirit works tirelessly in our minds to keep us believers walking a straight and narrow line.  To help us to be able to live like Christ as we interact with others; to love like Christ.
                But often we don’t do either.  We don’t live like Him and we don’t love like Him.  It’s then that the Spirit reminds us; sometimes He screams in our consciences if the thing we are doing can have serious detrimental ramifications for us or for others.  Many times we ignore the conviction even though we know it’s from Him.  If we continue to do our thing we slowly get used to His protest and it’s as though we don’t hear Him anymore.  The scriptures say that some peoples consciences can even be seared, scorched as though with a hot iron.
                God will never leave His children to their own devices for long.  If we no longer have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying He will intervene into our lives in some other more tangible ways.  Ways that get our attention and cause us to listen.  Ways that cause turmoil in our minds, our relationships, and our circumstances. This intervention by God the scripture says is actually evidence that we truly belong to Him.  He doesn't chasten the devils kids.
                We can all save ourselves a little unnecessary pain by going to the front office the first time we are summonsed by the Boss.  Going to that place in your mind and will where obedience comes easy.  Go there. Sit. Listen. Then do whatever His Spirit bids you to do.
                It’s important that we recognize who the Boss of our lives is, "He must increase and WE must decrease."  When the Spirit speaks to our conscience it is not a test, our God Is A Consuming Fire and He will consume away the dross in us so that we will come forth as pure gold.

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