Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Often in the world you may overhear people talking.  I do. I overhear people talking all of the time.  I have bionic hearing I think, my kids are amazed at their conversations that I’m able to tune into.  Even in a crowded room I am able to tune into several conversations at the same time; I don’t get how that works but it happens.  Sometimes in conversation I have to apologize to the person I am supposed to be listening to because my spidery senses tuned into a conversation two tables over.
Often in the world we overhear people talking.  Normally it’s about some stupid petty thing that someone else has done.  How it was outrageous and inconsiderate, it was silly and juvenile.  Sometimes it was that someone did something immoral and indecent and then in a defensive tone the person would blurt out… WHO IN HELL CARES?!?  Even sometimes a believer, an offended brother, may ask the question.  They don’t mean it literally of course even though they might believe in a literal hell.
If we ask the question in the most literal sense possible, that is, in a way that our human minds are incapable of conceiving of the true horror of the answer.  Who in hell cares?  The answer is both horrific and simple.  The answer to the question is “Everyone.”  Everyone in hell cares about something.  They will never succumb to the misery so much so that they will be out of their ever-living minds.  They may get to a place where they may not be able to formulate coherent thoughts and all they do is wail and gnash their teeth but there is a reason for it.  They care about something.  Pain has a way of causing you to care.  Pain in the world of the mortal causes us to seek medical attention, to seek relief, but there will be no relief for those in hell.  It’s a terrible thought really… one I certainly will not dwell on for too long or cause you to remain fixed upon for too long.
In the Bible; In Luke 16:19-31 we have Jesus telling of a certain rich man and a certain beggar.  The beggar’s name Jesus says is Lazarus.  If you as a Christian want a burden for souls read this story.  Read it slowly, read it repeatedly, read it thoughtfully, until it burns a conviction into your heart that you must tell people, warn people, of the awfulness of such a place as described in these verses. 
Many may argue that it is just a parable to answer the hypocrisy of the rich and self-righteous Pharisees who were listening.  It makes no difference whether you feel this way or not.  Why?  Because even if it were just that it has some profound things to reveal about the place we call hell.  And everything Jesus taught had a purpose; He never had an idle word.
Jesus said the rich man died, and was buried, and was in torments.  He said the rich man cared pleadingly about his suffering and asked for Lazarus to be allowed to relieve his torments.  But Jesus said in His story that there was a great gulf fixed where none could cross to get in or out of that hopeless place.  The only way in was through the gateway of death if after first having ignored the Way, the Truth, the Life, the Door; the Door that leads to eternal joy and comfort.  Then Jesus said that the rich man expressed concern.  He asked if Lazarus could be resurrected so he could go and preach to his five brothers; “Lest they also come into this place of torment.
Jesus said in His story that the answer was “No.”

They had Moses and the prophets and that they could, they must, hear them. 

Moses who gave all the “Thou shalt not’s” of the law. Don’t kill or hate. Don’t covet or steal. Don’t lust, or rape, or cheat, or otherwise violate.  Don’t dishonor your mom and dad. 

And the prophets who spoke of coming judgments on sin, a coming Messiah to redeem from sin, a resurrected Savior to show victory over death and sin, and a coming movement called the Church that would prevail against the very gates of hell. 

Jesus said in His story that if they would not listen to the Bible then they wouldn’t believe Lazarus either; even if he had come back from the dead.
If they hear not the Bible then no amount of analogies, good will, kindnesses, or any such like things will persuade them.  They must listen to Moses (The condemnation of the law); and they must listen to the prophets (the promise of justice, hope, and forgiveness given through Jesus Christ).  If they will not accept what the Bible says about these things and Jesus’ solution to our sin's consequences than there is no hope for them.
We need to let go of all our silly stupid self-serving plans and problems and with holy passion seek the lost at any cost.  As you think about the stores well before October making merchandise of people with costumes, and candy, and games, think about the real horror that awaits the unrepentant.  Get busy with compassion and clarity communicating God’s holiness offended, His love demonstrated, and His forgiveness that is available.
We must do this. 

Only the church can do this.
“He must increase, WE must decrease!”

Its imperitive If ever souls will be saved through our witness.  If ever we will reach a single one.
By the way Heaven cares too.  Heaven cares more than you could even imagine.  That's why God sent His Son. 

Jesus said, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son, that whosoever (that's you) believeth in Him, shall not perish, but shall have Everlasting Life."

And that's why "there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth." Luke 15:10 
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