Thursday, July 11, 2013

Grace Has Made All The Difference

I was asked by a good friend recently, who visited our church for his niece’s homeschool graduation, what has made the difference for me recently compared to where we had been. Perhaps he has noticed growth in me that wasn’t there when he knew me before. I am not sure what prompted the question: I didn’t ask. But an answer came to mind almost immediately and I am not sure where it came from except to say that, ‘It must be the Lord.

I said 'GRACE.' Grace has made
all the difference in the world.

I told him it is like a garden with perfect soil. All of the nutrients it could want. Ample sunlight and lots of intricate and careful work by the gardener. Perhaps in the minds of some gardeners, works so meticulous and perfect that no gardener in town could match it. But, with not much moisture, not much water, it will not grow well. Grace bestowed upon a life is like cascades of refreshing cool water on a parched soul.

We have the nutrients from the Word of God. We have every benefit of the home and church. We have a country where, as of yet, we are free to worship as we please. And many men of God are so very committed to ‘doing things right for Jesus’ that one would think we have all that we need. But if the garden is not receiving ample and abundant watering there will be no growth or very little growth at best.

I say GRACE, grace has made
all the difference in the world.

But as I think back, and think upon it now, there is more. It wasn’t until I was moved by God to be determined to stand for right in the cause of the oppressed that I died to self and the oppressive ways that ‘self’ engenders. Laying aside tenure, and title, and being tethered to the tender accolades of men. And just like our Savior, as a corn of wheat fallen into the ground to die, only to bring forth abundant fruit. I also died to self then and there, and God started something within me that I scarcely even understand now. Our God is infinitely altruistic and when we behave in like manner He begins to conform us more into His beautiful image.
I take no credit for any growth in me. The Lord is patient, and kind, and gracious, and ever so willing to work a work in us. But also He resists the proud and gives grace only to the humble. I am sorry to say that until He wrought a breaking in my life I was a very proud believer. I was satisfied with my degree of learning, content with my attainment of knowledge, and settled in the depth of my service. I was pompously puffed up and ignorant of a more excellent way. And being ignorant I became cleverly manipulative under the banner of truth. But that has all changed now.

I say GRACE, grace has made
all the difference in the world.

I thank the Lord for the gracious men I have met who are to me as mentors. Men that God has placed into my life that demonstrate daily this sort of outpouring I am writing of. Were it not for men of grace to pave the way I tremble to think where I, and my family, would be. Iron sharpeneth iron. I am thankful for the well-grounded teaching I received for well over half of my life. I am thankful that the seed of the Gospel in me fell into a well broken-up soil. I am thankful for the Sonlight of God’s Presence that has been with me all the days of my life. I am thankful for those in my life, past and present, who have been committed to doing things right for Jesus. And I am indescribably thankful for the wonderful grace of Jesus bestowed upon me through His Spirit in others. It is my hope that it will be bestowed upon others, through Him in me, more and more until He takes us home.

So what has made the difference for me recently, compared to where I had been? Jesus has made all the difference. He Who John said was, and still is, full of grace and truth. The wonderful grace of Jesus has made all the difference. Grace bestowed. And grace displayed. It is grace that has been given to me, and is reaching through me, and is growing in me. Growing deep in the innermost part of me where only God can reach. I am almost overwhelmed to tears every time I think of the wonderful work that God is doing, the work that only Jesus, the Son of God, can do. I do hope you will join me in this journey of grace as He lives and abounds through us. If you have been saved by His grace through faith alone then you have received this grace freely and without merit. 

Freely ye have received, freely give...

Grace, Grace, God's Grace,

Grace that will pardon and cleanse within!

'Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear,
And grace my fears relieved... I say GRACE!

He must increase, WE must decrease.

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