Friday, March 8, 2013

He Stooped Down

"And again he stooped down,
and wrote on the ground." John 8:8

He stooped down in creation
and breathed into their nostrils
the breath of life writing on the
ground a living panorama.

He stooped down and walked
with Red Earth in the garden
for a time before the fall.

He stooped down and spoke
with men intervening in the affairs
of men, guiding and directing
things according to His plan.

He stooped down when holy men
of God spoke as they were
moved by the Holy Ghost.

He stooped down and took on
the flesh of a man when the Word
became flesh to dwell among us.
33 years Jesus, God the Son, became
not simply AS a man, but indeed became
a man, still fully God, but completely man,
and as man should be, completely submitted
to the Father, and completely dependent on the Spirit.

Then He stooped down here in what is described
in John 8. Stooping in a lesson to the Pharisees, and
to the Apostles, and stooping to the woman who
was taken in the very act of her sin. Stooping in
a way that none of them would ever ever forget. 

He stooped down at Calvary when He died for you
and for me. But He lifted Himself up also both in
dying and in His visible physical resurrection.

Again He stooped down when the men He
had chosen spoke as they were moved also,
like the prophets before them, by the Holy Ghost.

He stoops down every time the gospel is preached,
every time men realize that they are lost in sin without Him,
and every time someone new calls on His name for forgiveness.

Every time we hear His still small voice
He stoops down to write on our hearts,
we who are but vessels of earth.

And each and every time we meet to hear
the Word of God, God once again stoops down
to write on our hearts. Incredible!

"And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground."

In this way, given that we have this treasure of Him
in earthen vessels, He does increase being glorified
in us, and we decrease because it is clearly not of us.

He must increase, WE must decrease!

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